
Live in the Moment

来源:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cz4y1r7Q4?p=2open in new window


What would be your perect day? I mean your ideal day. A day that you went to bed that night and you just thought, that was the most imcredible day! That's how I want most of my days and my life to be just like that! What would that perfect day be like for you?

I'm the one that controls whether or not I'm gonna have a good day. All of us, we are the ones that define if negative impacts are gonna have a good or bad impact on your life. It's your mentality, your mind is a battleground. Nobody can affect whether or not you are gonna have a good day, but yourself and your own mind.

You must come up with a morning routine that you do every single morning or at least more morning than not. That puts you in control of yourself and in control of your day. This is what I do and I cannot explain the power that I get. From starting my day off and being bigger than my excuses and being in control. First and foremost, wake up on time. When that alarm gose off, get your butt out of bed. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go! Why is that important for persistence? The reason why is because the first decision that you're making of the day is to actually get up and get moving. That means you are persistently bigger than your excuses. You are persistently bigger than feeling lazy. And you are persistently beating the feelings that typically stop you.

You no longer need to be a victim to the past. You no longer have to be a victim to a future in which you are projecting negativity. You no longer have to be a victim to anything that anyone has ever said about you. You no longer have to be a victim to the things that you said about yourself. You no longer have to be a victim to anything.

To affirm you vision every day. And don't affirm it as: "I'm trying", "I'm wishing", "I want to". I am. Every day "I am" is the creative force of the universe. Whatever you attach "I am" to, you will become.

You say "I am" you know, "tired", "I am frustrated", "I am lonely". I think you're inviting more of that in that. So the priciple is to turn it around, invite what you want into your life. Three questions you wanna to ask yourself on a regular basis. You wanna ask: "How can I grow? What can I give? And what can I celebrate?" Those are three questions you want to live with. Because you are evolving unique being. You want to ask every day: "How can I grow?" So at the end of the day you're not the same person that got out of bed. You've had an insight.You've had a revelation. You've practiced something new. You've tried something new. So that you have become more of yourself. How can I grow today? I don't wanna be the same person 365 days from today. I wanna evolve. I wanna become more of myself. I wanna express myself better.

The second thing that I want you to do. Before you look at your e-mail. Before you answer your phone. Before you start surfing Vox and Vice and Buzzfeed and you know, Team Stream. And checking out the sales on Zappos and looking at your Facebook news feed. Before you pick up the damn phone, please, please, please. Figure out your two priorities for the day. These are the tings that matter to you. Whether it's saving money and making sure you're focused on that. Or showing up at work and being a contributor. Or whether it's changing how you treat your spouse or your kids or the person that you're with, perhaps! Getting in the gym, because you said you would. Whatever it is your two priorities are, put them in your head before you pick up your phone. Why? The reason why is because of persistence. The reason why is because I want you to have a good day.

Drink in the moment. Live for today. Be excited with where you're at. Make the most of it and enjoy every moment. Live every day like it's your last. Cause one of these days you're gonna to be right. Enjoy the ride. Success is a journey, not a destination. So live in the moment and enjoy the moment.

